Price Information

Price information (As of at 09:30 on July 26th, 2024)

  TANAKA retail selling price
(tax included)
(Change from previous price) TANAKA retail buying price
(tax included)
(Change from previous price)
GOLD 12,907 yen -200 yen 12,770 yen -201 yen
PLATINUM 5,215 yen -73 yen 5,040 yen -73 yen
SILVER 155.98 yen -5.39 yen 150.15 yen -5.39 yen
  • Prices for Gold, Platinum and Silver are per gram.
  • Bar charges and commission for small bars are excluded.
Gold coin Size TANAKA retail selling price
(tax included)
TANAKA retail buying price
(tax included)
Vienna Philharmonic gold coin
Maple Leaf gold coin
1 OZ
1/2 OZ
1/4 OZ
1/10 OZ
425,885 yen
216,998 yen
112,263 yen
45,970 yen
388,476 yen
193,857 yen
96,190 yen
38,563 yen
Platinum coin Size TANAKA retail selling price
(tax included)
TANAKA retail buying price
(tax included)
※no scraches on the surface
TANAKA retail buying price
(tax included)
Vienna Philharmonic platinum coin
Maple Leaf platinum coin
Platinum Eagle coin
1 OZ
1/2 OZ
1/4 OZ
1/10 OZ
177,258 yen
90,301 yen
46,709 yen
19,123 yen
159,542 yen
81,277 yen
40,751 yen
16,510 yen
150,538 yen
75,269 yen
37,052 yen
14,743 yen