Price Information

Price information (As of at 09:30 on July 16th, 2024)

  TANAKA retail selling price
(tax included)
(Change from previous price) TANAKA retail buying price
(tax included)
(Change from previous price)
GOLD 13,612 yen +13 yen 13,475 yen +13 yen
PLATINUM 5,684 yen -58 yen 5,509 yen -57 yen
SILVER 175.01 yen -4.07 yen 169.18 yen -4.07 yen
  • Prices for Gold, Platinum and Silver are per gram.
  • Bar charges and commission for small bars are excluded.
Gold coin Size TANAKA retail selling price
(tax included)
TANAKA retail buying price
(tax included)
Vienna Philharmonic gold coin
Maple Leaf gold coin
1 OZ
1/2 OZ
1/4 OZ
1/10 OZ
449,150 yen
228,852 yen
118,395 yen
48,481 yen
409,926 yen
204,561 yen
101,502 yen
40,692 yen
Platinum coin Size TANAKA retail selling price
(tax included)
TANAKA retail buying price
(tax included)
※no scraches on the surface
TANAKA retail buying price
(tax included)
Vienna Philharmonic platinum coin
Maple Leaf platinum coin
Platinum Eagle coin
1 OZ
1/2 OZ
1/4 OZ
1/10 OZ
193,222 yen
98,434 yen
50,915 yen
20,845 yen
174,414 yen
88,852 yen
44,549 yen
18,049 yen
164,546 yen
82,273 yen
40,500 yen
16,115 yen