Price Information

Price information (As of at 09:30 on January 21st, 2025)

  TANAKA retail selling price
(tax included)
(Change from previous price) TANAKA retail buying price
(tax included)
(Change from previous price)
GOLD 14,900 yen -24 yen 14,731 yen -24 yen
PLATINUM 5,239 yen +17 yen 5,042 yen +17 yen
SILVER 171.49 yen +0.33 yen 165.00 yen +0.33 yen
  • Prices for Gold, Platinum and Silver are per gram.
  • Bar charges and commission for small bars are excluded.
Gold coin Size TANAKA retail selling price
(tax included)
TANAKA retail buying price
(tax included)
Vienna Philharmonic gold coin
Maple Leaf gold coin
1 OZ
1/2 OZ
1/4 OZ
1/10 OZ
491,651 yen
250,508 yen
129,599 yen
53,068 yen
448,108 yen
223,614 yen
110,956 yen
44,482 yen
Platinum coin Size TANAKA retail selling price
(tax included)
TANAKA retail buying price
(tax included)
※no scraches on the surface
TANAKA retail buying price
(tax included)
Vienna Philharmonic platinum coin
Maple Leaf platinum coin
Platinum Eagle coin
1 OZ
1/2 OZ
1/4 OZ
1/10 OZ
178,080 yen
90,720 yen
46,925 yen
19,212 yen
159,612 yen
81,312 yen
40,769 yen
16,517 yen
150,597 yen
75,298 yen
37,067 yen
14,749 yen